Test your English level

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017



  1. ….. man took …. bus to go to work in …. morning. At lunch time he went to see …. film at …. cinema with …. friend. They bought …. can of coke each and …. sandwich. They enjoyed …. film very much and went back to …. work. …. of them took …. taxi and …. other …. went on foot.
  2. Sarah went to …. city for ….interview. When she got to …. building, she went through …. main-door and asked …. person that was at …. reception-desk: “Good morning, I have …. job interview with Mr. Stuart and I am not sure where I have to go”. …. receptionist told him to take … lift, go up to …. second floor and look for …. door 15.
  3. Tom thought that he was …. luckiest person on …. Earth because he was going to marry … girl he had been in love with all his life … following morning. He prepared …. dinner for himself for … last time and after eating all of it, he had …. shower and went to sleep.
  4. In …. spring, …. flowers begin to blossom. At …. summer time …. grass is dry and we need to water it on … Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In autumn all …. leaves from … trees of …. garden fall down and we have to sweep them almost every day. In …. winter we don’t go in … garden and just wait for …. spring to come back so we can go back in …. garden to clean it.
  5. My father goes to …. work by … car, my mother takes my brother to …. school by …. bus, my older brother goes to …. college on …. foot and I go to …. work by …. underground.
  6. …. men are usually stronger than …. women but …. women that train in …. gym are much stronger than …. men who don’t do …. exercise.
  7. …. horses run faster than …. donkeys but …. horses at my grandmother’s farm are so slow than even …. donkey would be faster.
8.      I left ….. home and went to ….. bus stop to catch ….. bus. I like going by ….. bus but I don’t like going by ….. train. ….. bus was late and we had to wait ….. long time. ….. buses are cheaper than ….. trains in England but in my country it is ….. other way round. ….. trains are cheaper than ….. buses.
  1. In ….. summer we always go to ….. beach. There, I have ….. friend. my friend is ….. cleverest person I know. He is also ….. most handsome one. He goes to ….. University in Madrid and is studying ….. degree. We go to ….. different beach everyday. We go by ….. bus and always take ….. swimsuit and ….. drink with us. We like spending ….. summer together.
  2. Once upon ….. time, there was ….. girl called snow white. She was ….. very pretty girl with ….. very big smile. She lived in ….. big house in ….. forest with ….. cat and ….. dog. She liked ….. forest and ….. flowers, and enjoyed playing with ….. animals of ….. forest. She thought, she was ….. happiest person on ….. earth.
  3. On ….. Mondays, we have ….. breakfast at eleven o’clock.
  4. After I have ….. shower I always cook ….. breakfast.
  5. ….. dogs in my house eat a lot but ….. cats only eat ….. little.
  6. ….. dogs hate ….. cats.
  7. I play ….. football on ….. Saturdays but I only play ….. basketball on …. Sundays.
  8. I came here in ….. taxi, but I will go back by ….. train.
  9. ….. men in my office are nicer than …. women
  10. ….. women are usually more intelligent than ….. men

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